Genesis Vision : Culture | Community | Governance | Tokenomics | Roadmap


This Genesis Hub site holds both the up-to-date vision for the entire Genesis project, and the governance procedures and tools to make changes to that vision. Any community member can make a proposal, and, with enough support, make a fundamental change to any part of Genesis.

This site also holds the process, tools, and techniques for Genesis governance, and the full process and current status of every Community Improvement Proposal.

Genesis Foundation

Governance for Genesis will be run by the Genesis Foundation, a not-for-profit organization that is tasked with building and growing Genesis, and by the Genesis community. When the community (or a community group) needs funds for a project, they make a request to the Foundation.

Community Governance

The Genesis community has a strong say in governance. In many ways, Genesis is a "do-ocracy" - if you want to make something happen, you just do it, and it happens. For more impactful requests, changes, and suggestions, the community has many more tools at their disposal.

At the simplest level, community members can band together to get general agreement on a topic, and request that the Foundation or other developers implement it.

For cases where more formal process is required, Community Improvement Proposals can be discussed, agreed on, and finalized, giving the weight of the whole community to the proposal.

And, at the most firm level, the community can call on-chain or off-chain governance votes to rally wide support around an issue.

Community Improvement Proposals (CIPs)

This Genesis Hub site holds both the up-to-date vision for the entire Genesis project, and the governance tools to make changes to that vision. Any community member can make a proposal, and, with enough support, make a fundamental change to any part of Genesis.


For cases where a more formal vote needs to be taken, there are two options. First, and simplest, are non-binding votes on Secondly, binding on-chain votes are performed through the Governance portal.


Not all governance processes and procedures can be in place at the start of a project. To ensure smooth sailing during early development, the Game Credits team will shepherd Genesis to the point where the Foundation is fully in place, and the community is ready to take over active development. We expect this will take 12-18 months.

One big area of guidance is providing clear goals for the development community. These goals will encourage groups of community members to come together and work on a piece of the metaverse. We’ll also hold regular community events such as game jams, hackathons, art jams, and more.

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